self discovery

The Power of Questioning

Let’s dive into a topic that has been occupying my thoughts recently. Have you ever found yourself caught in a moment of reflection, questioning the why behind everything you do?

Today, I found myself solo in my workspace, surrounded by a scattering of documents and a multitude of tasks awaiting completion. And then, there was a sudden pause, a break in the rush of it all. I found myself lost in contemplation, staring blankly at the wall as I grappled with a foundational question:

“Why am I doing all of this?”

Trust me, this journey of self-discovery isn’t exclusive to you or me; it’s a universal human experience.

You might wonder, “Why am I even doing all this?” amid the hustle and bustle of life. We juggle countless tasks and responsibilities, leaving us pondering if there’s any meaning behind our efforts.

Are we making a difference or merely following the rush of life’s current?

Now, don’t underestimate these reflective moments! They are not only significant but are the very catalysts that allow us to reassess our objectives, realign our actions, and re-ignite the spark of motivation.

When we question ourselves, we crack open the door to understanding our deepest aspirations and desires, setting a solid foundation for personal growth and self-enhancement.

In a world where being in constant motion and maintaining productivity is highly prized, we often sideline the significance of quiet introspection. Questioning oneself may be viewed as a hint of doubt or weakness, but let me tell you this, it’s an affirmation of our quest for purposeful and meaningful lives.

So, when we pose the question, “Why am I doing all this?” we’re essentially challenging the norm. We’re pushing ourselves to scrutinize our actions and decisions, leading to a profound understanding of our values and objectives.

It allows us to identify what truly matters to us, making our time and resource utilization more efficient and impactful.

But here’s the thing! Questioning should not leave us stuck in a cycle of never-ending doubt or inaction. Instead, it should spark change and guide us toward a more rewarding life. It’s about striking a balance, not getting entangled in the web of excessive introspection.

Remember, it’s okay if you still need to get all the answers right away. Life is a discovery journey where our understanding of ourselves and our role in the world continually evolves. Each question asked moves us one step closer to unraveling our unique path and purpose.

In essence, this introspective journey of questioning our actions and purposes isn’t futile; it’s a pivotal part of our personal growth and self-improvement. It helps us ensure our actions echo our values, fuel our passions, and enables us to lead lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.

So, next time you catch yourself “like me” asking, “Why am I doing all of this?”,

remember, you’re not alone,

and this very question could be the golden key to unlocking a life that is both




Stay curious,

-Saleh Alda

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